“Hypernormalisierung der Abnormalität. Wie Wohlstand und Frieden im Westen zerstört werden”, Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland, Jahreskonferenz,
19 October 2024, Munich, Germany

“Immanuel Kant’s ‘Enlightenment’—One Of The Sharpest Weapons For The Libertarian Fight”, Property and Freedom Society,
19-24 September 2024, Bodrum, Turkey

“Denationalization Of Money”, iea, Freedom Week, Selwyn College, University of Cambridge,
23 August 2024, Cambridge, United Kingdom

“F. v. Hayeks “Der Weg zur Knechtschaft. Die entzauberte Herrschaft des Bösen”, Hayek Club Weimar,
10 August 2024, Weimar, Germany

“Ludwig von Mises. Der kompromisslose Liberale”, Liberty Summer School,
Liberales Institut Zurich,
July 2024, Weggis, Switzerland

“The World’s Fiat Money Regime Under Pressure. The Value Proposition for Gold”, Gold Forum Europe,
10 May 2024, Zurich, Switzerland

“F. v. Hayek’s „Denationalization of Money “– Some Critical Remarks”,
The Vinson Centre,
Buckingham University,
1 May 2024, Buckingham, United Kingdom 

“Hayek’s ‘Denationalisation of Money’ – Some Critical Remarks”, Oxford University Mises Society,
6 February 2024, Oxford, United Kingdom

“Hat jede Form des Liberalismus Aussicht auf Erfolg? Und was Max Frischs “Biedermann und die Brandstifter damit zu tun haben””, Liberales Institut,
5 December 2023, Zurich, Switzerland

“Antony C. Sutton’s „The War On Gold””, Goldmesse,
25 November 2023, Frankfurt, Germany

“Aus der Dunkelheit ans Licht: Die Wahrheit über das digitale Zentralbankgeld”, 
Geldkonferenz, Atlas Initiative,
11 November 2023, Königstein, Germany 

“Edelmetallgeld. Seine Geschichte, seine Zukunft”, Geldkonferenz, Atlas Initiative,
11 November 2023, Königstein, Germany

“Die falsche Priesterschaft der Intellektuellen und das Fiatgeld”,
Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland,
7 October 2023, Munich, Germany

“The Economics of „The Great Reset””, Property and Freedom Society,
23 September 2023, Bodrum, Turkey

“Das System Fiatgeld und der Great Reset. Eine erkenntnis- und gesellschaftstheoretische Spurensuche”, 
11 September 2023, Vaduz, Liechtenstein

“Vom intelligenten Investieren”,
7 November 2020, Focus-Online Konferenz, Zoom Vortrag

“Im Feuer wird das Gold geprüft”,
6 November 2020, Deutsche Goldmesse, Zoom Vortrag

“Ohne ‘Bail-Out’ System-Crash. Mit ihm die Knechtschaft.”,
21 October 2020, 10. Hamburger Mark Banco Anlegertagung,
Lübeck, Germany 

“Was wird mit unserem Geld? Elektronisches Zentralbankgeld ändert alles”,
14 October 2020, Forum Freiheit 2020
der Friedrich August von Hayek-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany

“Wohlstand und Frieden. Oder: Staatswirtschaft und Armut.
Wie kommen wir aus der Krise?”,

23 September 2020, Hayek-Verein Dresden,
Schloss Burgk bei Freital, Germany

“Towards A World Fiat Currency”, Property and Freedom Society, 
10 – 15 September 2020, Bodrum, Turkey

“We Need Sound Money To Regain And Defend Our Liberties”
29 August 2020, UNCHAIN Bitcoin & Blockchain Convention, Frankfurt

“Money, Markets and Liberty”
15 June 2020, Common Sense Society, Utrecht, Niederlande

“Mit Geld zur Weltherrschaft”
6 June 2020, 10. Mark Banco Anlegertagung, Institut für Austrian Asset Management (IfAAM), Lübeck, Germany

“Die Zins- und Kapitaltheorie der Österreichischen Schule”,
Freiheitswerte: Seminar zur Einführung in die Österreichische Schule,

22 – 23 May 2020, Münster, Germany

“Krisentheorie: Österreicher kontra Keynesianer”,
Freiheitswerte: Seminar zur Einführung in die Österreichische Schule,
22 – 23 May 2020, Münster, Germany

“Zur wissenschaftlichen Methode der Österreichischen Schule”,
Freiheitswerte: Seminar zur Einführung in die Österreichische Schule,

22 – 23 May 2020, Münster, Germany

“Folgen der Zinsmanipulation der Zentralbanken”,
Workshop “Sparschwemme oder Geldschwemme? Ursachen und Folgen der Niedrigzinsen”,

20 March 2020, Münster, Germany 

“Rothbard: Power and Markets”, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Seminar 2020,
13 – 14 March 2020, Kronberg i.T., Germany

“Mises: Theorie des Geldes und der Umlaufsmittel, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Seminar 2020, 
13 – 14 March 2020, Kronberg i.T., Germany

“Was Sie über die Grenzen des Schein-Geldsystems als Investor wissen sollten”
7 March 2020, Börsentag Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany

“Truths about money – past, present and future”
5 March 2020, Bitcoin Event 2020, Wien, Austria

“Was man als Investor über die Grenzen des Schein-Geldsystems wissen sollte”
22 February 2020, Börsentag Hannover, Germany

“Mit Geld zur Weltherrschaft – Wohin der demokratische Sozialismus führt”
5 February 2020, Bibliothek des Konservativismus, Berlin, Germany

“The Future of the Euro”
10 December 2019, Euro Finance Talk, Frankfurt, Germany

“What You Should Know About the Workings of the Fiat Money System”
28 November 2019, Financial Planning Day, Berlin, Germany

“Investing In A Fiat Money World”
27 November 2019, med capital GmbH, Munich, Germany

“Die Welt und die Märkte im Umbruch”
19 November 2019, Sparda Bank, Berlin, Germany

“Was man als Investor über die Grenzen des Schein-Geldsystems wissen sollte”
9 November 2019, Börsentag Hamburg, Germany

“Konjunktur 2020 – wachsende Risiken, steigende Chancen”
7 November 2019, Immobilien Fondsforum, Jahreskonferenz, Königstein i.T., Germany

“Die anti-kapitalistische Mentalität”
19 October 2019, Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland Jahreskonferenz, Munich, Germany

“Ein freier Markt für Geld. So einfach geht’s”
12 October 2019, Konferenz der Friedrich August von Hayek Gesellschaft, Düsseldorf, Germany

“Investing In Distorted Markets – The Value Proposition for Gold”
3 October 2019, Degussa Goldhandel, Geneva, Switzerland

“Was man als Investor über die Grenzen des Schein-Geldsystems wissen sollte”
14 September 2019, Börsentag Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

“Die Aktualität der Österreichischen Schule – Wirtschaft, Ethik, Politik”, Symposium, Hayek-Tage, 14 – 15 June 2019, Vienna, Austria

“Good money, bad money – and how bitcoin fits in”
Value of Bitcoin Conference, 3 June 2019, Munich, Germany

“The Ideology of Manipulating the Interest Rate – Theoretical Reflections”
3 – 4 May 2019, 5th Austrian Economics Meeting Europe,
Saint Louis University, Madrid, Spain

“Investieren in Zeiten von Boom und Bust”
11 April 2019, Hayek Club Münsterland e.V., Borken, Germany

“Die lange Geschichte des Goldgeldes – Ein kurzer Vortrag”
30 March 2019, Börsentag München, 12 pm, Atrium 4 / E101, Munich, Germany

“Die lange Geschichte des Goldgeldes – Ein kurzer Vortrag”
23 March 2019, Börsentag Frankfurt, 12 pm, Saal 4 (Meridian), Frankfurt, Germany

“Die Kritik der ökonomischen Erkenntnis”
Radein Seminar 2019, Dinner Speech, Radein, South Tyrol

“Zukunft des Geldes: auf dass das bessere gewinnt”
18 – 20 January 2019, Jahreskonferenz eigentümlich frei, Usedom, Germany

“Gold Money in a Digitalised World Economy”
6 December 2018, III. International ECAEF/CEPROM Conference,
„Concurrent Currencies. Curse or Cure?“, Monaco
“Investing in times of boom and bust”
28 November 2018, Börsen-Team TU Darmstadt e.V., Darmstadt, Germany

„Der Euro – Wege aus einer historischen Fehlentscheidung“
7. November 2018, Rotary Club Kronberg, Kronberg, Germany

„Introduction to the Austrian School of Economics“
8 October 2018, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

“Fundamentals of Monetary Theory”
25 July 2018, University of Applied Science, Coburg, Germany

„Geld, Gold, Bitcoin – die Geldtheorie im Praxistest“
20 June 2018, University of Essen-Duisburg, Essen, Germany

„Die Welt leidet unter Fiat-Geld“
14 June 2018, Münchner Wirtschaftsgespräche, Stiftung für Freiheit und Vernunft, Munich, Germany

„The Value Proposition for Gold“
5 June 2018, Degussa Market Update, Barcelona, Spain

„ The Value Proposition for Gold “
4 June 2018, Degussa Market Update, Madrid, Spain

“Made in Germany –chances and risks in the 21 century”
20 – 21 March 2018, Merger Market Germany Forum, Düsseldorf, Germany

“A free market for banking and money”
9 – 10 March 2018, Ludwig von Mises Seminar 2018, Ludwig von Mises Institute Deutschland, Kronberg i. T., Germany

“A free market for security”
9 – 10 March 2018, Ludwig von Mises Seminar 2018, Ludwig von Mises Institute Deutschland, Kronberg i. T., Germany

“The logic of the right of self-determination”
9 – 10 March 2018, Ludwig von Mises Seminar 2018, Ludwig von Mises Institute Deutschland, Kronberg i. T., Germany

“On the power of economic theories”, Introductory remarks,
5 February 2018, 9th International Vernon Smith Price 2017, European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation, Vaduz, Liechtenstein

“Chances and Risks for investors in 2018”
18 January 2018, Degussa Investor Day, Madrid, Spain

“Blockchain, crypto currencies and a free market in money”
28 November 2017, Financial Services Summit, Panel discussion, Bearing Point, Frankfurt, Germany

„New Gold on the Block(chain)“
15 November 2017, Conference „Parallel Currencies as Alternative to the State’s Money Monopoly“, Steigenberger Parkhotel, Düsseldorf, Germany

“Money, gold and bitcoin”
4 November 2017, Börsentag Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

“Crypto currencies and the new competition of currencies”
2 November 2017, Liberales Institute, University Zurich, Switzerland

“Good reasons to invest in great businesses”
1 November 2017, Finanz und Wirtschaft Forum, Opportunities 2018, Park Hyatt Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

“The role of gold in the future global financial system”
7 October 2017, Börsentag Berlin, Berlin, Germany

“The euro project – changes and risks for investors”
12 September 2017, Club of Finance, Investor Forum 2017, Frankfurt, Germany 

“The future of the global financial system and the role of gold”
7 September 2017, Finance & Innovation, Dialog 2017, Soho House, Berlin, Germany

“Mises, Hayek and Keynes – learnings for solving today’s problems”
21 August 2017, Hayek Club Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany

“On the logic of human action”
22 June 2017, Inaugural lecture, University Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany 

“Intelligent investing in uncertain times”
AKA, Arbeitskreis Vermögensanlage, 17 May 2017, Wittenberg, Germany

„Soziale Marktwirtschaft Erhardscher Prägung aus Sicht der klassischen liberalen Ökonomik“
Ludwig Erhard Gedächtnissymposium, 11 May 2017, Munich, Germany

“In search of a new monetary architecture – and the role of gold”
Degussa Commodity Market Event, 9 May 2017, Munich, Germany

“Discussing the lecture given by Professor Richard E.Wagner (George Mason University)”
15 March 2017, Lectio Marco Minghetti, Istituto Bruno Leoni, Rome, Italy  

“Investing in times of uncertainty”
10 February 2017, STUP RES, Stuppach Resort, Stuppach, Austria

“Investmentphilosophien und Anlageerfolg: Risiken, die sich lohnen”
24 January 2017, Robeco Conference, Mannheim, Germany

“Investing in times of boom and bust – the 2017 challenge”
19 January 2017, Leonteq Day 2017, Zurich, Switzerland

“Gold money – the natural alternative to fiat money”
Investor Conference, AMG Fondsverwaltung AG, 18 January 2016, Zurich, Switzerland

“The fiat money fiasco and the excellence of gold money”
15 June 2016, Commodity Club Conference, Zurich, Switzerland

“Fiscal policy: Keynesians versus Austrians”
20 May 2016, 12th Gottfried von Haberler Conference 2016, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein

“On the future of the international monetary architecture”
25 April 2016, export-club bayern, Munich, Germany

“Better invest, don’t speculate”
23 April 2016, Austrian Investing Conference, Hayek Gesellschaft Zürich, Eden au Lac, Zurich, Switzerland

“Money, Gold, Bitcoin”
19 April 2016, Annual Investor Conference, Hauck & Aufhäuser Privatbankiers KGaA,
Hamburg, Germany 

“Money, Gold, Bitcoin”
14 April 2016, Annual Investor Conference, Hauck & Aufhäuser Privatbankiers KGaA,
Frankfurt, Germany 

“Money, Gold, Bitcoin”
12 April 2016, Annual Investor Conference, Hauck & Aufhäuser Privatbankiers KGaA,
Munich, Germany
“Overcoming the fiat money crisis”
9 April 2016, Meeting of ‘Partei der Vernunft’, Restaurant Duca Jacampo, Munich, Germany

“Chances and Risks for Long-term Investors”
7 – 8 April 2016, Investor Conference, Rabo Bank and Private Wealth Magazine,
Schloss Bensberg, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

“A brief history of money for investors”
5 March 2016, Münchner Börsentag, Munich, Germany

“European Integration – Chances and Risks for Investors”
18 February 2016, Regional Banking Congress, UniCredit, Düsseldorf, Germany 

“Hayek’s ‘Denationalization of Money’ – A Praxeological Reassessment”
6 – 7 November 2015, Ludwig von Mises Institute Canada, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada 

“The value and price of gold – or: What to learn from ‘James Bond 007 Goldfinger'”
24 October 2015, Börsentag Berlin 2015, Berlin, Germany 

“The Austrian School of Economics and gold money”
18 – 20 October 2015, The London Bullion Market Association (LBMA),
Precious Metals Conference 2015, Degussa Reception, Vienna, Austria

“On monetary policy and the redistribution of income and wealth”
21 – 22 September 2015, Club of Finance, Investor Forum 2015, Frankfurt, Germany

“What you always wanted to know about inflation, but were afraid to ask”
10 – 15 September 2015, The Property and Freedom Society, 10th Annual Meeting, Bodrum, Turkey

“The New Socialist Destructionism”
11 – 16 September 2014, The Property and Freedom Society, 9th Annual Meeting, Bodrum, Turkey
“Doing global business in times of boom & bust”
8 June 2015, Siemens AG, CFO Conference, Bamberg, Germany

 “Don’t be a frog – and jump!”
6 June 2015, Institute of Austrian Asset Management, Annual Conference, Hamburg, Germany

“Ethics of liberty”
23 May 2015, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Munich, Germany 

“The euro trap'”
20 May 2015, Schweizerzeit, Annual Conference, Zurich, Switzerland 

“(No) Escape from the ‘euro trap'”
30 April 2015, SimCorp Central Europe, Annual Conference, Frankfurt, Germany

“The real return”
25 April 2015, eigentümlich frei ‘Creating wealth’ Spring Conference, Landgut Höhne, Düsseldorf, Germany

“Endowment Fund Investments – The Challenges Ahead”
23 April 2015, European Business School (EBS), Oestrich-Winkel, Germany

“A new monetary order in a digitalized world”
18 April 2015, Theodor-Heuss-Akademie, Digitalization of Society, Conference, Gummersbach, Germany   

“Boom & Bust. Or: The Mystery of Banking”
19 March 2015, Kühne & Nagel Logistics University, Hamburg, Germany

“Economic Outlook – a panel discussion”
16 January 2015, ZfU Conference 2015, Zurich, Switzerland

“Investing in times of boom & bust”
10 October 2014, branch opening, Capitell AG, Baden-Baden, Germany
„Capital market outlook“
29 September 2014, autumn conference, panel discussion, FERI EuroRating Services AG, Frankfurt, Germany
“The New Socialist Destructionism”
11 – 16 September 2014, The Property & Freedom Society, Bodrum, Turkey
“State and Money”
27 June 2014, 10th Gottfried Haberler Conference, Vaduz, Lichtenstein
“Boom & Bust and unbacked paper money”
24 June 2014, VIA Conference 2014, Munich, Germany
“Boom and Bust in Asset Markets”
2 June 2014, Society of Property Researchers, Frankfurt, Germany
“Boom and Bust”
10 May 2014, Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland, Conference 2014, Munich, Germany
“Boom & Bust, or: Planned Chaos” 2 April 2014. Centre for Financial Studies (CFS), Frankfurt, Germany“Gold or paper? About the future of the world´s major currencies” 29 March 2014, ACI World Congress, Berlin, Germany„The outlook for European integration“
21 March 2014, University Cluj, Cluj, Romania
“The paper money system”
5 – 6 March 2014, Fonds Kongress 2014, Vienna, Austria
Participating in panel discussion
21 February 2014, Deutsche Anlegermesse, Frankfurt, Germany
„Challenges for private savings“
29 January 2014, Fonds professionall Kongress 2014, Mannheim, Germany
“Boom and bust in real estate markets”
21 January 2014, UBS Immobilienforum 2014, Zurich, Switzerland
“Increasing capital – even in times of inflation“, Investor Conference 2013, Mandare AG, Mallorca, Spain“Global economic outlook”
Investor Conference, Kieger AG, 17 October 2013, Vaduz, Lichtenstein
“Market price manipulation”, Roundtable talk at Trendforum Vermögensmanagement, Frankfurt, 8 October 2013
“Value investing in a low interest rate environment”, Investmentfondstage der Börsen-Zeitung, Frankfurt, 25 September 2013“Organized Crime and the Progression Towards a Single World Fiat Currency”, Freedom and Property Society Annual Conference, 19 – 24 September 2013, Bodrum, Turkey“Economic outlook 2014”, Deutsche Börse ETF-Forum, Frankfurt, 3 September 2013
http://xetra.com/xetra/dispatch/de/kir/navigation/xetra/100_market_structure_instruments/10 0_instruments/200_etfs/550_etf_forum
“On the future of the gold price”, Business Tea Time, Merck Finck & Co, Privatbankiers, Berlin, 14 August 2013“Government and Banking”
Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland, Conference 2013, 15 June 2013,
Munich, Germany
“Credit boom-and-bust and portfolio allocation”
International Bankers Forum (IBF) Luxembourg, FLP Financial Planner,
6 June 2013, Luxembourg
“On the future of the euro – some plausible scenarios”
Annual Conference, Forsa Portfoliomanagement GmbH, 18 April 2013,
Wiesbaden, Germany
“The gold standard – that never was“
Austrian Economic Research Conference 2013, Ludwig von Mises Institute,
21 – 23 March 2013, Auburn, Alabama, US
“The Industrial Cycle – New Frontiers”
EQT, Industrial Sector Meeting, 13 – 14 March 2013, Neufarn, Germany
“The euro crisis – crisis of the paper money system”
Conference, Scope, 20 Feburary 2013, Frankfurt, Germany
“The Financial and Economic Crisis and the Aberrance of the Science of Economics”
Annual Radein Conference, 10 – 17 February 2013, Radein, South Tirol
“The need for privatizing money production”
Currency Conference, University of Leipzig, Leipzig 18 January 2013
“Fiat money and the euro crisis”
Hertie School of Governance, 7 December 2012, Berlin, Germany
“Gold and the gold standard – on the history and future of sound money”
Morningstar Conference, 24 October 2012, Milan, Italy
“The international fiat money crisis”
European investing summit, online, 8 October 2012
“The need for reforming the paper money system”
Institut économique Molinari, Autumn University,
5 – 7 October 2012, Troyes, France
“Quo Vadis euro area?”
Financial Institutions Conference, UniCredit, Munich, 4 October 2012
“What do bankers know about money and banking?”
Property and Freedom Society, 27 September – 2 October 2012,
Bodrum, Turkey
„The debt crisis – causes and solutions“
AssCompact Forum „Betriebliche Altersversorgung, 11 September 2012,
Neuss, Germany
„Hard and soft commodities – will these asset classes protect you against inflation?“
Capital Market Forum, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 3 – 4 September 2012,
Zurich, Switzerland
“On the future world financial system”
Young Königswinter Alumni Conference 2012, 23 – 26 August 2012,
Wiston House at Wilton Park, UK
“The world monetary system on the move”VVB Conference, Captial Investment
and Asset Management, 23 August 2012, Munich, Germany
“What you always wanted to know about the monetary system but were afraid
to ask” 5 July 2012, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
“Why and how fiat money endangers the free society”
Colloquium “Inflation and Law”, University of Saarland,
22 June 2012, Saarbrucken, Germany
“Unconventional monetary policies in Europe” – a critical assessment from a
conventional Austrian Economics viewpoint”
Lecture, University of Vienna, 15 June 2012
„Will the European Union prevail?“ Symposium, Junge Wissenschaft und Praxis,
Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung und Robert Bosch Stiftung, University of Leipzig,
14 June 2012, Leipzig, Germany
“The Austrian School of Economics – An Introduction”
Lecture Series Economics, University of Bayreuth,
6 June 2012, Bayreuth, Germany
“The US dollar and the future world financial system”
BAI conference, Wells Real Asset Management, 14 May 2012,
Frankfurt, Germany
“On the future shape of the international monetary system”
Ishares Conference, 10 May 2012, Frankfurt, Germany
“The euro crisis“
Conference, Berger, Steck & Kollegen, Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft
Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH, 31 May 2012, Frankfurt, Germany
“The financial and economic crisis and pension liabilities”
BRBZ conference, 4 May 2012, Cologne, Germany
“The international monetary crisis – cause and consequences”
Hesse Newman Capital AG, Fonds-Forum,
18 April 2012, Hamburg, Germany
„The break-up of the euro – some scenarios“
Bundesverband der Immobilien-Investment-Sachverständigen e. V.,
13 April 2012, Frankfurt, Germany
“The euro in the light of the progression theorem”
Austrian Scholars Conference, 8 – 10 March 2012, Auburn, Alabama, US
“Government, money, catastrophe”
Overcoming the crisis – the need for sound money, Friedrich August von Hayek Society conference, 23 February 2012, Königstein i. T., Germany
“The European sovereign debt crisis”
Panel discussion, Fitch Ratings Credit Outlook, 11 January 2012, Frankfurt, Germany
“The Mystery of Banking” Auslaufmodell Euro – Lösungswege für Europa,
2 December 2011, Berlin, Germany
“The crisis of interventionism“ Exploring the New Normal 2011, Bertelsmann University,
11 November 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
“Die Kraft der guten Ideen – Werk und Wirkung der Österreichischen Schule der Nationalökonomie”. Go Ahead, Annual Conference,
1 October 2011, Vienna, Austria
“On the future of the international monetary system”
Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Economie et Management, University Angers,
27 September 2011, Angers, France
“A priori theory and the sound money principle”
Ludwig von Mises Institute, Supporters Summit 2011, 19 – 23 September 2011,
Vienna, Austria
“The international monetary order on the move – consequences for accounting”
10th IFRS Congress, 8 September 2011, Berlin, Germany
“Towards a new monetary order – and the role of gold”
6 September 2011 (Munich) and 14 September 2011 (Hamburg),
SOLIT Kapital GmbH
“The international monetary system under review”
Die Welt Currency Conference, 27 June 2011, Berlin
“The international credit market crisis – the ‘Austrian’ perspective”
BCA conference, 14 to 15 June 2011, London
“Methodenstreit – Why Carl Menger was, and is, right” Research on Money in the
Economy, Spring Conference, 20 May 2011, Frankfurt, Germany
“On the future of the world monetary system”
Finance Symposium, 19 May 2011, Mannheim, Germany
“The global business outlook – changes and risks”
18 May 2011, WL Bank Conference, Würzburg, Germany
“The global business outlook – changes and risks”
17 May 2011, WL Bank Conference, Berlin, Germany
“Consequences of regulation on the banking business”
Banking Supervision 2011 Conference, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management,
11 May 2011, Frankfurt, Germany
“Towards a new monetary order and the role of gold”
Symposium “Currency Crisis & Gold”, 28 April 2011 Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
„Inflation: Effects for Capital Markets and the German Real Estate Market“
RICS Forum 2011, 7 April 2011, Berlin, Germany
“The Swiss Franc Forum 2011” Panel discussion, Euromoney Conference,
23 March 2011, Zurich, Switzerland
“Fiat money cannot last. Or can it? What Mises and Rothbard had to say about it”
Austrian Scholar Conference, 10 – 12 March 2011, Ludwig von Mises Institute,
Auburn, US Alabama
“Economic outlook for the global econoomy”
ASU New Year Reception, Schloss Hugenpoet, Essen-Kettwig, 8 Feb. 2011
“Free market money is necessarily commodity money”
Conference “Zivilcourage und freies Marktgeld”, 3 February 2011, Munich
“European economic outlook”
26th Zfu Annual Capital Market Conference, 25 January 2011, Zurich, Switzerland
“Free markets and free banking – the way towards sound money”
Seminar on the future of the world monetary system, University of Leibzig,
10 December 2010, Blaubeuren, Germany
“The euro – Europe’s paper money experiment”
Friedrich August von Hayek Society, University of Passau, 28 October 2010,
Passau, Germany
“Economic nature and role of the interest rate”
FAKT-AG Conference, 22 October 2010, Marl, Germany
“Free Markets, Free Money, Free Banking”
Austrian School of Economics Conference, 1 – 2 October 2010, Vienna, Austria
“Democracy, Fiat Money and Hyperinflation”
ASM-Franz-Böhm-Seminar, 30 September 2010, Ludwigshafen, Germany
“The euro – a paper money experience”
The Lawyer European Law Leaders Conference 2010, 23 September 2010,
Berlin, Germany
“The future of the fiat money regime”
Investment Conference Deutsche Bank Private Wealth, 22 September 2011,
Munich, Germany
“Gold and Fiat Money”
German Gold Investor Conference, 10 June 2010, Frankfurt, Germany
“Towards A New Monetary Order”
SIX Swiss Exchange Bond Event 2010, Zurich, Switzerland
“German Hyperinflation – An A Priori Theory Viewpoint”
Seminar held at the University of Münster, Chair of Professor Dr. Ulrich von Suntum,
24 – 25 June 2010, Münster, Germany
“Fiat Money Caused The Crisis”
Annual Conference of the Friedrich August von Hayek Society, 24 – 25 June 2010, Münster, Germany
“Über die Ethik des Staatsgeldes”
KVI-Congress 2010, 8 June 2010, Mainz, Germany
“Fiat Money and Collective Corruption”
Ludwig von Mises Circle, 22 May 2010, New York,
University Club of New York, USA
“German Hyperinflation – An A Priori Theory Viewpoint”
Austrian Scholars Conference, 11 – 13 March 2010, Ludwig von Mises Institute,
Auburn, Alabama, USA
“Capitalism, Democracy, and (Hyper)Inflation”
In Defense of Capitalism, Conference at Business School Copenhagen,
24 – 25 April 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark
“Fiat Money and the International Financial Market Crisis”
London University College Finance Conference, UCL Union Investment Society, 15 February 2010, London, UK
“The logic of free market money”
Goldkongress, Munich, 6 November 2009
“The German Banking Stabilisation Act”
Hearing at the Budgetary Committee of the Lower House of Parliament (Bundestag),
15 June 2009, Berlin, Germany
“Globalised Financial Markets and the Ethics of Liberty”
Liberales Institute, Symposium, Zurich, 4 – 5 June 2009